
Company Statement

Registered Charity Status

Ambient Support is a charitable company limited by guarantee registered with the Registrar of Companies and the Charity Commission. Our registration numbers are as follows:

Registered company number: 07211819
Registered charity number: 1135353

Ambient Support is registered, and therefore licensed to provide services, by the Care Quality Commission (Provider ID: 1-102643235). We are governed by a Board of Trustees who have a wide range of professional backgrounds and act in a voluntary capacity.

Public Benefit

Ambient Support work with beneficiaries who are defined by the consequences of old age, disability and illness. There is no condition of membership to receive services from Ambient Support and eligibility is related to the levels of care and support required in addition to availability of beds/space or staff.

Many people Ambient Support provide services to are likely to be low-income earners whose care and support is funded through statutory agencies either through individual or group funding arrangements. Ambient Support has a policy of limiting the number of people who are able to meet the full cost of their care and support. Trustees place no discretionary restriction on eligibility or access to services, and so the principles of the public benefit requirements placed on the charity are met and are reviewed annually by the trustees.

Amber Housing is not a registered charity so is not obliged to make a formal public benefit statement. However, it works with the disadvantaged providing affordable housing solutions, and would meet the requirements of the Charity Commission on public benefit.

Company Statements

Ambient Support – Slavery And Human Trafficking Statement 

Ambient Support – Gender Pay Gap Monitoring Statement (2021)

Ambient Support – Gender Pay Gap Monitoring Statement (2022)

Ambient Support – Gender Pay Gap Monitoring Statement (2023)

To talk to us about what you need and how we can help, please get in touch.

Great Place to Work Logo
Disability Confident logo
Mindful Employer logo
Driving up Quality logo
Fundraising Regulator logo
Chas Logo
Not for Profit Logo