
45-year service award for Ambient care worker, Angela

Angela Bratcher, 61 from Bourne in Lincolnshire, has been presented with a long service award in celebration of her dedicated care and support for others.

We are so proud to say that Angela has worked for us at Ambient Support and our predecessors for 45 years, a milestone celebrated with a presentation of a special award, given by our CEO Mark Milton via video call.

Angela’s career began in 1975 where, fresh from school, she started at St Peter’s Hospital as a Cadet Nurse. She soon qualified to become a State Enrolled Nurse and has worked tirelessly to care and support people of all ages with learning disabilities and mental ill health since. In 2004, Angela started work at Ambient’s Holly Drive service which provides support to three adults with complex learning disabilities.

Mark Milton, CEO was keen to mark this special career milestone, saying: “We are incredibly lucky to have had Angela working with us for such a long time and we wanted to thank her for her long-standing dedication. It is her commitment and passion that ensures the people we care for are happy and supported to live a fulfilled life.”

Bart Kieres, Team Leader at Holly Drive added: “I speak on behalf of all of us at Holly Drive when I say that Angela is a wonderful carer. Her knowledge and experience are second to none and she genuinely loves her job. I hope we have the pleasure of working together for many more years to come.”

Speaking of how things have changed over the years, Angela says: “When I first started, care was all about lots of people in large units and, whilst there was lots going on, people could easily get over-looked and not receive the full attention they needed. Care today in Ambient is person-centered. People are supported on an individual basis and they live in smaller groups. This means we truly get to know and love the people we care for as individuals first and foremost. Those I support at Holly Drive are just like family to me.”

Whilst Angela admits there have been many challenging days, she has no intention of stopping work: “I am motivated to keep working because I enjoy supporting people and know how much of a difference we make to their lives. Yes, there are tough times and difficult days but, I love the people I’m working with and will carry on until someone says I can’t!”

Angela was both delighted and surprised to receive her award. She concludes: “A career in care is rewarding and really is a job for life. It would suit anyone of any age as long as they have a kind heart and good sense of humour.”

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