
This Spring’s Service User Survey Results Are In

In Spring of 2021, Ambient surveyed the people that it supports and their family members about the services that it provides.

Nearly 400 people across 3 portfolios of service’s, Mental Health, Older People and Learning Disability responded and fed back to us. This provided us with a rich source of information on where we are doing well and where we can improve.

After some in-depth analysis by our Quality team, there were a number of common threads that ran across the country. People said:

  • They feel safe in our services, and their relatives feel they are safely supported.
  • Despite the pandemic people are happy with the care and support they receive in general.
  • Despite the pandemic people have been able to stay in touch with loved ones.
  • Families of people we support would recommend Ambient to others in over 80% of cases, as would people we support in OP, MH and LD services.

Our deep dive into the data also led us to discover that overall an average of 94% of those supported by us said they were happy with the support they receive.

In our Mental Health services, 91% of people supported said they felt we respected their privacy and dignity.

100% of those that responded supported in our Learning Disability services said they felt safely supported by us.

A sizeable 91% of relatives with loved ones supported in our older peoples services said that despite the pandemic we had helped them stay connected with their loved ones.

These are all great results however there were some areas that we need to work on and a number of common threads came through for improvement:

  • We need to provide more opportunities for people in our Learning Disability and Older People’s services to be involved in services.
  • How to make a complaint or give feedback is an area for improvement across all portfolios.
  • Food is an area for improvement in some Older People’s services.
  • Physical health is an area of focus for those we support in our Mental Health services.

We have already begun to make headway on some of these areas. We have appointed an Involvement & Co-Production Lead to work on involvement issues and are creating more tools to support staff to communicate with people about how they can give us feedback.

Local and national action plans are being developed by our Senior Leadership Team to address some of the more specific issues. and we will report back to people on how we are changing.

At Ambient we are committed to the continual improvement of our services. Through feedback from our annual survey we are able to establish what we are doing well and where we might do better.

Our Quality team will continue to monitor and report back to ensure we work to be the very best that we can be year on year. Click here to find out more about our Quality Team.

Our Ambient Guardians and Quality Checkers are experts by experience and work alongside out Involvement & Co-Production Lead. Click here to find out more about the Ambient Guardians and Quality Checkers.

To talk to us about what you need and how we can help, please get in touch.

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