

Ambient’s commitment to safeguarding

Everyone we support has the right to feel safe and to live free from abuse and neglect. People have the right to be supported by caring and competent support teams and to feel safe and secure in their homes and communities.

How do Ambient keep people safe?

Keeping people safe is Ambient’s highest priority. Below are some examples of how we keep people safe:

  • All Ambient’s employees receive safeguarding training which includes:
    • How to prevent, recognise and stop the risks and experience of abuse or neglect.
    • What they need to do if they are worried a person is experiencing, or at risk of, abuse or neglect.
  • Ambient has clear policies and procedures in place that support employees to fulfil their legal obligations and follow best practice guidelines.
  • Ambient ‘s training and personalised approach to care, contribute to the delivery of safe & respectful care.

Watch our ‘See, Think, Tell’ video on reporting abuse

Who to contact if you have a concern

  • Naomi Atkinson, Director of Operations:
  • Vicky Morris, Head of Quality:
  • Samantha Downer, Divisional Director (South):
  • Rob Anscomb-Gates, Divisional Director (North):
  • Samantha Dunlop, Ambient’s ‘Speak Up’ Trustee:

If you don’t feel comfortable contacting an above named member of the Ambient team, you can email: hello@ambient.org.uk or call our general enquiry line: 0208 4181 822


What Ambient do if you share a concern about someone or report suspected abuse to us

  • We will take immediate action to keep the person/people safe.
  • We will report any safeguarding concern to the local authority.
  • If the person we support lives in a CQC (Care Quality Commission) registered home or service we will notify them.
  • Any suspected crime will be reported to the police.
  • We will involve the person and their circle of support in the safeguarding process
  • We will investigate the concern and take further action if needed.
  • If we have made a mistake, we will acknowledge it, say we are sorry and put things right so it doesn’t happen again.
  • We will learn from our mistakes and share the lessons learned within Ambient.
  • All safeguarding concerns, actions taken and lessons learned are reported to Ambient’s Trustees and Ambient’s Executive Team.

Contacting CQC

If you would like to go directly to the Care Quality Commission (CQC), you can call: 03000 616161 or visit their website.

Download Ambient’s Safeguarding literature

‘See, Think, Tell’ Reporting Abuse leaflet

‘See, Think, Tell’ Reporting Abuse poster

How to Report Abuse Easy Read

To request a copy of our Safe Guarding Policy in full or in an Easy Read format, email: hello@ambient.org.uk

To talk to us about what you need and how we can help, please get in touch.

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