
Alzheimer’s Care and Support: Ambient’s Approach

On World Alzheimer’s Day, we come together to raise awareness about Alzheimer’s disease and dementia, highlighting the importance of compassionate care for those affected.  

At Ambient, our vision is to promote a person-centred, empowering experience for people living with dementia. We believe in a feelings-based approach to Alzheimer’s and dementia care that promotes a “home from home” atmosphere, using our LIVES well framework as guidance to ensure the best possible outcomes for each individual.  

Key Approaches to Dementia Care  

Some of Ambient’s key approaches to dementia care in a care home setting include: 

  • Providing a ‘Household’ model of care – we want a home from home approach to care so our residents feel ‘at home’ and have a sense of belonging in our services. 
  • Removing ‘us and them’ barriers – staff do not wear uniforms so there is an increased sense of togetherness and community.
  • Residents are involved, be that in everyday tasks and activities, or having their voices heard through residents’ meetings and helping us shape how our care support and services develop.
  • Removing task-orientated care and relaxing routines so that the people we support can choose how they want to spend their time. We encourage flexibility and do not impose rigid regimes when it comes to waking up, mealtimes and activities.
  • Turning essential ‘tasks’ into engaging activities, such as personal care, nutrition and physical and mental exercise. 
  • Filling our homes with the ‘stuff of life.’ When a care home looks homely and relaxing, it becomes a more welcoming environment. As well as this, having objects available that people can touch and investigate, offers the people we support different sensory experiences and interest.  
  • Enjoying mealtimes together with staff. Replicates a comforting sense of family while people enjoy their meals, with nicely laid tables and healthy and nutritionally balanced food choices. 
  • Using a wide variety of ways to engage and occupy and communicate with people in the moment.t, Ambient staff always try to communicate, involve, and reach out to residents in a meaningful and creative ways wherever they are on their dementia journey. 
  • Remembering that services are home for the people we support and that we are providing them with care and support in their own environment, as opposed to them receiving care in our place of work.  

‘LIVES well’ approach 

All these methods tie into the ‘LIVES well’ approach that Ambient uses as guidance for offering care to people with Alzheimer’s and Dementia, to ensure the quality and excellence of our services and align with our 5i Values. 

L – Love and Laughter 

A welcoming feeling of homeliness, with regular celebrations for different events, opportunities for couples to spend time together and music and art sessions to engage people at all stages of dementia.  

I – Inclusion and Occupation 

This means encouraging residents to be involved in key decisions in their home and be actively involved in how its run. Also, understanding and appreciating diverse cultures and religions, and working with the local community to foster wider links.

V – Values 

Ensuring there are systems in place to observe and identify levels of well-being, with strengths-based care plans and cognitive assessments. Positive language is used, and life-story work is included in day-to-day care. We try to match staff and residents with similar interests for an effective key-worker system.  

E – Environment 

Building an environment with themes and objects that help people to orient themselves in the space, as well as using familiar décor from a certain period of their life and always having sensory objects available and visible in communal areas. We also maximise access to safe outdoor space to encourage sensory and physical stimulation.  

S – Staff & Support 

All staff are trained in Dementia awareness and engagement, with regular follow ups and supervisions. Families are also offered support and guidance and are encouraged to be part of the care planning process where possible and join in with training. Residents are encouraged to be involved in the recruitment of staff using a values-based approach. 

Kitwood’s Flower of Psychological Needs, from Dementia Hub SG


These ideas relate to Kitwood’s Flower of Needs theory, ensuring that all core psychological needs are met – enabling people to live fulfilling, empowered lives with Alzheimer’s and dementia.

Dementia success stories from Ambient  

Our recent People We Support survey revealed that 92% of older people feel safe in their home at Ambient, and 91% feel that where they live is comfortable. This is a testament to the dedication of our staff, whose care and support allow people like Betty, who has dementia, to flourish.  

Read more about Betty’s story of reuniting with her brother in her Ambient home and how staff made the most of the love she has for interacting with people, to provide her with a positive outlet.  

Click here for more information on the Alzheimer’s and dementia services that we provide at Ambient.  

Visit the Alzheimer’s Society Website to learn more about World Alzheimer’s Day and to find additional resources and support.  

Search Ambient’s Older People’s services here. 

Learn more about the other types of care we provide for Older People and those living with dementia. 

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